Thank you for picking this place to sit for a moment.
My team has labored to create this space cozy and comfortable, in hopes of bringing a beautiful uniqueness to your day. My hope is that within these pages you will find valuable and meaningful content. Feel free to come on in as often as you want and stay for as long as you can. Let this be a soft place for you to sit for while. Imagine yourself sitting on a porch swing on a cool summer’s night or an overstuffed chair near a fireplace with a cozy blanket, sipping a warm mug of coffee. This place is for you to sit and let your heart be free.
Here you will find some new things, my favorite inspirations, some encouragement and some love given in the most authentic way and uniquely presented. My mission is to encourage, engage, empower, and equip you to discover who God created you to be.
Much love to you,
Hi, I’m Janelle. I write stories and share them with you. I believe we all have story inside worth telling.
And the world needs what you carry. You are valuable and loved more than you know. No matter what you’re searching for you will find some encouragement, hope and grace in this place. You, me, we’re all on a journey to become all that God has designed us to be.
“You were made by God and for God, and until you understand that, life will never make sense.”
Rick Warren.
We all need grace to meet us on that dusty prodigal road. So whether you’ve been resisting God’s grace or running from it, you’ve found a safe place to land and find more grace. God is writing a story of grace in each of our lives. So grab a chair and let’s help ourselves to His mercy and goodness. This place exists to hold up your arms, to cheer you on, give you a shot of a true hope, and as always point the way to Jesus.

God has given you a dream and you have a story to tell. That's awesome! I can help you through the complex process to publish with excellence. I have experience to guide you through the publishing process, coach you with content ideas, plus encourage you mentally, emotionally and spiritually along the way to bring out your best story.
I'm co-founder of Woven Books, LLC. Serve as Author Mentor and Content Coach
I believe what Paul wrote in Romans 11:29, "for God’s gifts and his call are irrevocable." When it came to sharing my personal story of weight loss it was a big challenge to tell! I wrote truth, grace, and hope into every chapter and I'm grateful for the opportunities to continue encouraging the body of Christ. My purpose in writing is to reach, not to get rich. I want to make a difference by sharing my story and other faith based writings to tell what God has done in my life. (Phil. 1:6) We are all works in progress!
My call to missions began in the Dominican Republic in 2010 and has led me to travel to Nicaragua, Honduras, India, South Africa, Eswatini (previously Swaziland) and Uganda. God has planted in my heart the opportunities to serve God's people through international missions. By being willing to travel, I partner with God to help meet their needs and serve His children. Opportunities to advance the Kingdom of God are limitless! Every trip is provided for through support of generous friends like you!